Aphids & Fruit Trees
Download MP3Entomologist Stephen A. Marshal, who teaches entomology at The University of Guelph in Ontario is the author of the classic tome Insects: Their Natural History and Diversity. In this episode he talks about aphids and the damage they can do to your fruit trees and fruiting shrubs.
Entomologist Stephen A. Marshal, who teaches entomology at The University of Guelph in Ontario is the author of the classic tome Insects: Their Natural History and Diversity. And he has just completed a new book Beetles: the Natural History and Diversity of Coleoptera. In this episode he talks about aphids and the damage they can do to your fruit trees and fruiting shrubs.
The host of The Urban Forestry Radio Show and Podcast is Susan Poizner of the fruit tree care education website www.orchardpeople.com. Tune into The Urban Forestry Radio Show LIVE by going to RealityRadio101.com on the last Tuesday of every month at 1.00 pm Eastern Time.
Learn to grow organic fruit trees successfully. Sign up for OrchardPeople.com's premium online courses at https://learn.orchardpeople.com/.
The host of The Urban Forestry Radio Show and Podcast is Susan Poizner of the fruit tree care education website www.orchardpeople.com. Tune into The Urban Forestry Radio Show LIVE by going to RealityRadio101.com on the last Tuesday of every month at 1.00 pm Eastern Time.
Learn to grow organic fruit trees successfully. Sign up for OrchardPeople.com's premium online courses at https://learn.orchardpeople.com/.