Fruit Tree Traps

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IPM specialist Kristy Grigg-McGuffin of the Ontario Ministry of Food and Rural Affairs talks about fruit tree traps - some monitor fruit tree pests while others help to control pest populations.

IPM specialist Kristy Grigg-McGuffin of the Ontario Ministry of Food and Rural Affairs talks about fruit tree traps - some monitor fruit tree pests while others help to control pest populations. 
 Click here to watch a video of this Episode on Fruit Tree Traps

You can find a wide range of recommended IPM tools in Orchard People's online shop. But below are a couple of products mentioned in this program including the  Appscope Quick Attach Microscope (affiliate links).

The host of The Urban Forestry Radio Show and Podcast is Susan Poizner of the fruit tree care education website  Tune into The Urban Forestry Radio Show LIVE by going to on the last Tuesday of every month at 1.00 pm Eastern Time.

Learn to grow organic fruit trees successfully. Sign up for's premium online courses at


Fruit Tree Traps
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